You say:
“I wasn’t addressing the lethality of guns vs gun ownnership, but the lethality of guns vs cars.
In order to try to demonstrate that guns are more lethal than cars, you appealed to the *ratio* of car ownership vs car deaths and compared that to the ratio of gun ownership vs gun deaths.
So, again, I ask: is it your claim that if more Americans owned guns and yet the number of mass shootings, school shootings, general gun homicides, etc. remained the same that you would suddenly become fine with amount of gun violence and no longer see a need for more gun control?
You say:
“Then there’s your whole “I didn’t say cars equal guns in a … “mathematical” … sense … ”, which you immediately undermine yourself in the next sentence by saying something like “yes they are the same”. Gotta love it when the #trumPlorables take themselves down.”
But in your first response to me you did what you’re accusing me of:
“just 106 million gun owning Americans correlate with the same number of deaths.”
So, by your own standard, you’ve taken yourself down.
You say:
“Conclusion: Guns aren’t cars, no matter in what woolly, overwrought byzantinely bizarre pretzels you twist yourself.”
I didn’t argue guns are cars.